Sunday, March 7, 2010

Solitude = Productivity

In an ironic twist, I’ve always been my most productive when I’m home alone.

Maybe it’s because I’m easily distracted with people around. Or perhaps it’s because I take my free time very seriously and would prefer to spend my weekends with my boyfriend, playing with my cats or hanging out with my sister and friends.

But this weekend, a few of my (favorite) distractions were out of town. At first, I was a bit bummed that both my boyfriend and sister would be away on business trips, but then I realized that I had been presented with a golden opportunity.

So I psyched myself up throughout the week and created the mother of all To Do lists. And I kid you not; I got most of it done! While the majority of the list entailed me running errands, most of those trips were to find supplies for new projects.

And even though the weekend is almost officially over, I’m not going to waste a minute of time. Instead, I’m going to get started on one of those projects right now!

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