Monday, September 12, 2011

Petition for Cats in the Workplace

As a birthday present to myself, I took off Monday and Tuesday from work to relax with the family and put the finishing touches on my Etsy store!

What do Wylie and Sami think? Well they're too busy playing with the boxes from my birthday gifts to notice – ha!

Wylie and Sami playing hide-and-seek


  1. Oooh, sorry I missed it!! Happy, happy birthday! I hope it was lovely and you got spoiled. Wylie and Sami certainly seem to be having serious fun.

    Linda. xox

  2. Happy birthday!! I'm a bit late, I'm sorry I've been busy...
    not true, I was at the lake. Your cats are so cute...Mine get crazy for boxes and grocery bags, especially the paper ones.
