In anticipation of some possible networking this weekend, I realized I needed to acquire some business cards asap!
And then during one of my frequent trips to the copy room at work, I had a brainstorm about upcycling used file folders into business cards…and voila, I now have 60 cards ready to hand out on a moment’s whim - for FREE!
It couldn’t have been a more thoughtful or appropriate gift (thank you Melissa!) because it was written by one of my philanthropy heroes – Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS Shoes.
I’ve only gotten through one chapter, but I can already tell it’s going to be one of my favorite reads. It’s both empowering and motivating and makes me want to work double time to get Live Love Life Now™ to a similar place of giving.
Unfortunately, I haven’t come up with my own “One for One” giving idea but that has become a new goal of mine for the future! And aside from being an absolute philanthropic genius, the thing I like best about Blake is that he has made “giving” cool and brought it mainstream…creating “thousands of customer-philanthropists along the way”!
Can you imagine my surprise when I checked my Etsy account yesterday and discovered that someone had purchased one of my Letterpress Prints?!
I was in shock…I couldn’t stop smiling for five whole minutes!!
Upon investigation, I discovered that Sacha from Through the Orange Door had purchased the print AND posted a very sweet write-up on her blog!
The fact that someone had connected with my message and liked the design enough to purchase the print made my DAY. And that vote of confidence and validation gave me a boost of adrenalin last night that kept me up to 2am…which did not seem like such a good idea this morning when my alarm went off, ha!
At this very moment I am putting the final touches on the package and will be shipping it “across the pond” (as my mother would say) tomorrow morning. I can’t wait to hear that it got there safe and sound!!
I am so unbelievably excited and proud at this moment (and just a wee bit nervous). I’ve dreamed about taking this next step for sometime now and I can’t believe it’s actually here!
And it’s great timing because I want to leave my job…like yesterday…and this Etsy shop is the first place where I can start showcasing and testing my business ideas.
And it means I am just that much closer to finally start giving back because 10% of each and every sale on Etsy will be donated to Rikki’s Refuge – an amazing animal shelter who rescued my precious Wylie and Sami and a lot of other deserving animals.
For years I’ve wanted to make a difference (especially in the lives of animals in need) and I am beyond excited for the chance to finally start doing that! And it’s only the beginning because philanthropy is one of the cornerstones of Live Love Life Now™ and I have lots of ideas for how to keep giving and giving…and getting others involved too!
I’m starting out slow with just a few products but I plan to get back into production mode soon and I can’t wait to start designing again!
Also, many thanks go out to you, my most faithful supporters and encouragers! Your amazing and motivating comments have meant so much to me and I hope to do you proud!
So without rambling on any further, please go check out the shop and let me know what you think! And I would be ever so appreciative if you helped me spread the word around the blog-osphere!
I have yet to meet an Apple store that I didn’t like. Which means that I have to go into every one that I see…even though I’m usually not in the market to buy anything.
Or so I thought.
You see, I recently hit up one of our local Apple stores and instantly fell IN LOVE with an Uncommon iPhone4 case by GAMAGO featuring the most amazing Yeti.
I love it SOO much – it just makes me happy looking at it! The shiny case, the vibrant colors, the awesome graphics…what’s not to love?
Don’t you love when the small things make you feel good?!
Due to a slew of last minute details, I’ve decided to wait to launch my Etsy store until this weekend.
But since it’s so hard to keep everything under wraps these days, I couldn’t resist sharing a little sneak peek into what I’ve been working so hard on!
It literally covers all the questions that I have about starting a creative business and is helping me put the finishing touches on my Etsy store!
Meg turned a hobby of designing wedding invitations while in grad school into a full-fledged company that eventually was featured on NBC’s Today show…which makes her highly qualified to discuss all the ins and outs of starting a creative business.
But what I love is that she doesn’t rely on her experiences alone and includes interviews in each chapter with other crafty entrepreneurs (like Jonathan Adler and Lotta Jansdotter) who share their stories and tips.
Here’s a peek into the Table of Contents so you can see for yourself!
Chapter 1: Your Creative Mind Chapter 2: Your Business Mind Chapter 3: Your Personal Style and Your Products Chapter 4: Production and Pricing Plans Chapter 5: Marketing and Publicity Strategies Chapter 6: Making Sales and Order Fulfillment Chapter 7: Ups, Downs, and Next Steps
This book is definitely a must-read for all creative entrepreneurs and anybody else who is thinking of turning their crafty skills into more than just a hobby!
So, of course I had to stop and read what our birthday fortune was:
And while, like normal, the fortune/horoscope for a Virgo birthday was a bit boring…it totally compliments and supports my entrepreneurial aspirations! So thank you Chronicle Books for all your faith and support, it is very much appreciated – ha!
But on a serious note, I am very proud of myself for where I am after 31 years but I am very excited to see what I accomplish in my 32nd year.
In case anyone is in withdrawal of adorable kitten videos, I have come to the rescue!
G4’s “Attack of the Show” held their annual American Kitten Warrior showdown over the summer – pitting Claw Hammer against Dr. Thaddeus J. Fluff-N-Stuff - and it was too freaking adorable not to share!
Skip to minute 1:35 to get right to the cute kitten're welcome!
I had resisted for many years but over the weekend I finally signed up!
And I’ve only tweeted once each day since, which means I’m not fully obsessed...yet. But I’m definitely over my hesitance about twitter-land and I think it’ll be a great place to fully display my wit and charm – ha!
I would love if we could follow each other so please look me up and shoot me your handle (is that what it’s called or did I just embarrass myself?) so I can follow you too!
I promise not to post (too many) annoying and insignificant tweets…so how about it??
Today is truly momentous because I am finally ready to reveal the official logo for Live Love Life Now™!
And I am especially proud of the fact that it was designed a 100% by me! After years of struggling on and off to design a logo, I had started to doubt if my graphic design skills were up to the challenge.
But when this design came into my head I knew instantly that it was it! And then when I saw it on the computer (thanks to Miguel’s mad Illustrator skills) I was even more ecstatic!
I think it’s perfect because it’s clean, modern, emphatic and the exclamation point will allow me to play around with different ‘pop’ colors…especially my favorite electric blue!