Monday, January 16, 2012

Petition for Cats in the Workplace

So you know my first blog post of 2012 had to include my favorite thing…cat pictures!!

And while I haven’t quite solidified my list of New Year’s resolutions, it appears (from the pictures below) that Wylie and Sami have resolved to “play nicer” this year.

The first time I caught Sami crawling into Wylie’s bed, I thought it wouldn’t last 5 seconds…but surprisingly it did! And then it happened a few more times over the next couple weeks!

They are so adorable and I loved getting to spend so much time with them over the holidays.

I hope your holidays were equally wonderful and your new year is off to a fabulous (and fuzzy) start!!

Sami even looks a tad surprised at being in Wylie’s bed!

So sweet, side by side!

Silly Sami literally laid on Wylie to squeeze in the second time!

My two peas in a pod!


  1. Hehehe, I especially like that last pic! Both looking very contented and happy with themselves indeed.

    Happy New Year Jenn!

    Linda. x

  2. Oh my God, they look so cute. I went out this afternoon leaving three of my cats sleeping all tangled up together. So envy.
